How to Make Thyroid Friendly Coffee

“Is coffee “bad” for Hashimotos Disease?” - I get this question a lot and the answer is…not necessarily.

Bottom line— quality matters. When it comes to food, supplements and all the products found on the market today—they are all not created equal. Coffee is no different.

If you’re someone who is an avid coffee drinker and has been struggling to give up coffee because of your Hashimotos diagnosis, this blog post has some great news for you— keep reading.

Let’s start with why traditional coffee is labeled “bad” for Hashimotos:

  • Caffeine crashes + blood sugar imbalances

  • Acidic

  • Dehydrates

  • Can raise blood pressure

  • Can cause headaches

  • Can increase your cortisol (your stress hormone) — hello jitters and anxiety!

  • Can be hard on your adrenals

  • Most contain mold and mycotoxins — toxins your immune system + thyroid are not a fan of

  • Most contain approximately 135mg of caffeine

I admit that I never really was a coffee drinker before my Hashimotos diagnosis, but when I did have even the slightest bit of it, I would get massive anxiety, jitters, and just overall not feel well. In turn, I avoided it for years to not feel this way.

I then tried King Coffee, and I not only enjoyed the taste of it, but it also helped me with so many of my lingering Hashimotos symptoms especially while Iv’e been detoxing from mold exposure.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking King Coffee:

  • Contains organic Gonoderma Reishi spores (great for supporting your immune system)

  • Non- acidic

  • Balances PH levels

  • Boosts immunity and gut function

  • Oxygenates the body and provides gentle detoxification

  • No jitters or crash

  • Contains only 9mg of caffeine

  • Tested for mold and mycotoxins

  • Anti-parasitic and anti-candida (bye digestive issues!)

That’s right, you can drink coffee while detoxing your body and your digestive tract all at the same time! Since over 70% of your immune system resides in your digestive tract— I’d say that’s a win-win!

Here is how I make my King Coffee every morning:

  1. Fill up 3/4 of a mug with warm water (I use my Aqu Tru water filter to make sure it’s filtered fluoride+ chemical - free water)

  2. Pour one sachet of King Coffee (or 1/2 to see how your body responds) into the water

  3. Put 1 tablespoon of My0-Inisitol - great for blood sugar balancing, lowering TPO Antibodies, and PCOS/insulin resistance) — *optional

  4. One scoop of Further Food Collagen Peptides — Use code: “Rassp15” for 15% off— (great for gut health, hair growth, and skin health) *optional

  5. Froth and add your favorite creamer (I love Laird’s Vanilla Superfoods creamer— such a yummy treat!)

  6. Enjoy!

Since I started drinking King Coffee, I’ve noticed improved sleep, less digestive challenges, less food sensitivities, and also my mood has improved. I look forward to it every morning because it makes me so happy (physically and emotionally) and feels like such a treat!

I can tell a huge difference when I don’t drink it in the morning versus when I do. Note to self: don’t let yourself run out!

Some people may experience some detox effects at first depending how toxic their body is because it does address parasites and pathogens in the gut (a root cause of so many Hashimotos symptoms). However, it is more on the gentler side in comparison to other gut detoxing products and many do well with it.

All in all, it’s been an amazing addition to my morning routine that keeps my Hashimotos digestive tract happy and my immune system healthy! Many of my Hashimotos 101 students agree and can’t go a day without it as well!

For more of my favorite thyroid friendly products, check out my blog post— 13 of my Thyroid Friendly Favorites.

Feel free to comment below with any questions you may have!

Cheers to drinking coffee and getting healthy!

Sending you so much love, healing and HOPE.


Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only and is not a replacement for medical advice.


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