1:1 Hashimoto's Coaching


Let’s work together on a focused and personalized plan individualized just for you.

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been to many different doctors, tried several diets & supplements, done tons of research, and are still not seeing the results you want?

Let’s discover why and correct this together.


Wake up with more energy so that you can do the activities you love again

Support & balance your thyroid health to feel your best

Ignite your metabolism so you can lose stubborn weight

Overcome bloating, food sensitivities, and constipation, so you can eat without fear

Reverse brain fog, anxiety & stress so you can be more present at work and with loved ones

Hope with Hashimotos

What’s included...

When we work together, we’ll dig into your goals and develop a personalized plan to help you feel like yourself again.

Our 75 min Initial 1:1 Coaching Session ($175) includes:

  • A personalized deep dive Health Analysis & Assessment.

  • Customized recommendations for nutrition, supplementation, detoxification, and nervous system support (reducing anxiety and stress) inside a HIPPA compliant portal.

  • Personalized PDF Guides for the exact step by step changes you need to implement based on our analysis.

  • Guidance through EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique sequences to reduce anxiety and stress.

  • One week of unlimited e-mail or messaging support post call to get additional support.

  • *Optional* Root Cause Testing and follow up lab review consultation (mold, toxins, or Bioresonance scan)


Testimonial - Carissa

“Working with Allison has improved my digestion, I have less bloating, and I’ve even lost weight! It's so helpful to have the support and accountability.”


Testimonial - Liz

“After working with Allison, I have more energy and have less anxiety! I feel lighter and less bloated due to improving my digestion. I have less pain and inflammation in my joints, particularly my shoulder.”


Testimonial Amy

“I was new to the world of Hashimoto’s and had no direction. I now feel like I have direction I need and a path on how to improve my health. Since working with Allison, I’m now having regular bowel movements, less anxiety, and even lost weight!”


Hope with Hashimotos

Meet your coach


Holistic Health Coach for women with Hashimotos.

I’ve been in your shoes. I know how overwhelmed you’re feeling right now- searching for anything and everything to help heal those horrible Hashimoto’s symptoms. Rest assured no matter where you are on your journey, there is always HOPE!

I’ve reversed 90% of my Hashimoto’s symptoms using nutrition and lifestyle. Now, I’m on a mission to help you do the same.




How much is your Initial 1:1 Coaching Session?

The 75 min 1:1 Coaching Session is $175 usd. Click here to book.

How can I get continued support after the initial session?

Check in calls are recommended every 4-6 weeks or as needed. Pricing is as follows: 30 min check-ins are $80, 60 min check-ins are $150.

Is root cause testing included or required for the initial session?

Recommended root cause testing is optional and an additional investment at the client's discretion.

What if I'm a Hashimotos 101 student and need 1:1 support?

Please e-mail info@hopewithhashimotos.com for your discounted booking link.

Is this for me if I'm vegan or vegetarian?

For optimal results, 1:1 coaching sessions are for anyone open and willing to eat animal protein.

Are 1:1 sessions refundable?

Coaching sessions are an investment into your health and therefore are non-refundable.

Are results guaranteed?

Please note results are dependent on each individual's actions outside of this program and cannot be guaranteed.

*Disclaimer: Please note results are dependent on each individual's actions outside of this program and cannot be guaranteed.