Breaking the Block: Strategies For Hashimotos Constipation Relief

Do you struggle with constipation or irregular bowel movements?

Constipation is a very important symptom to look at when it comes to Hashimotos. What does not come out of the colon and digestive tract pathway, can surface as bloating, brain fog, fatigue, rashes, and hormone imbalances.

We release estrogen through our bowel movements so if you’re looking to balance your hormones or have been told you have estrogen dominance, make sure you’re pooping at least 1-3x daily.

Common root causes of constipation can be:

  • Poor bile flow from the liver

  • Mineral deficiencies

  • Lack of diversity in diet

  • Dehydration

  • Parasites (liver flukes), infections, and toxicities

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Low vagal tone and trauma - Difficulty “letting things go” emotionally

In my experience, most people have an accumulation of many of these.

Here are some tools you can use:

Diversity in Diet

Eating whole, unprocessed foods with ingredients your body recognizes along with fiber rich containing foods like cooked cruciferous vegetables, apples, berries, artichoke and more can help stimulate bile flow from the liver creating bowel support.

Click here to download the Hashimotos Inflammation Bundle for thyroid friendly grocery shopping and food guides.

Hydrate with Minerals and Electrolytes

Drinking properly filtered water with added minerals and electrolytes supports bowel motility with hydration.

Minerals and electrolytes are not only essential for energy and thyroid function, but they are also helpful for supporting bile flow in the liver which can support bowel movements.

Tap water, Brita, and fridge water contain thyroid and hormone disrupting chemicals such as: heavy metals, radioactive elements, fluoride, arsenic, chlorine, bacteria, and more.

Recommended thyroid friendly water filters:

$150 off with link

Recommended minerals and electrolytes:

I first filter my water and then add the minerals and electrolytes back into my reusable water bottle and sip on that throughout the day.


Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for every function in the body. There are many different types of magnesium and they all have different uses. For bowel movements specifically, the type of magnesium that is typically used is magnesium citrate. I don’t recommend this form long term, however, it can be helpful to start with 1-2 capsules when you’re struggling to get things moving and taper up in dosing as needed.

I also love using Earthly Good Night Magnesium Lotion (code: Hashimotos10) on the belly/abdomen area which contains magnesium chloride. This magnesium lotion is a great topical solution that absorbs through your skin to help not only with bowel movements but also to help with sleep.

Code: Hashimotos10

Liver Support

Supporting your liver and bile flow is essential for not only thyroid and hormone health, but also for bowel motility. Most people think they have a fiber deficiency when it comes to constipation, but I typically find that it’s really from poor liver and bile flow.

The liver is what converts the inactive form of T4 into the active form of T3. The liver struggles to convert on it’s own because it is overloaded with environmental toxins.

Here is some liver supportive tools and options:

10% off with code: Hashimotos10

There are tons of supportive tools for the liver. I recommend starting with one thing at a time to avoid pushing too much detox from the body.

Pelvic Floor Support

Did you know that you hold emotions and trauma in your pelvic floor and hips? This can create constipation when we emotionally have difficulty “letting things go.”

One of my favorite tools for supporting the pelvic floor is somatic exercises. Somatic exercises are gentle movements that can help release trauma, emotions, anxiety, and stress from the physical body. The movements are very small and short, yet powerful.

After being consistent with somatic workouts, I’ve had emotional releases, I’ve started sleeping better, and I no longer experience pelvic pain during my menstrual cycles.

Click here to save 10% off somatic exercises.

All in all, there are so many ways to find relief from constipation and other Hashimotos symptoms!

Need more Hashimotos support?

Hashimotos 101 is your self-paced, step-by-step blueprint for Hashimotos symptom relief or you can book a 1:1 session here.

Sending you so much love, healing, and HOPE.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational and informational purposes only and is not be used as a replacement for medical advice. Always consult with your practitioner to before making any changes to your health plan.


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