Could parasites be at the root of your Hashimoto’s symptoms?
Do you experience bloating, gas, multiple food allergies, and rashes even after having made dietary changes? ---Helloooo parasites!
Despite popular belief, you do not need to go to a foreign country to pick up a parasite. Parasites are living organisms that can be found in our air, soil, water, and food supply.
Those of us with Hashimotos Disease typically have them AND those without Hashimotos have them too! Basically— if you’re a living human being, you have parasites. Some people remain asymptomatic while others do not. These little critters living inside our gut can cause a whole host of unwanted symptoms.
Here are a few symptoms of parasites:
Intense sugar cravings
Rashes and eczema
Food allergies and intolerances
Itching around the nose, mouth, and anus (especially at night)
Clenching, grinding your teeth, and/or drooling at night
Re-occuring Candida infections
Chronic digestive upset (bloating, gas, acid reflux etc.)
Anemic or iron deficiency
You never feel full after meals
Insomnia + symptom flare- ups during full moon (they are more active during the full moon)
How do they impact my gut + Hashimotos?
These little boogers like to suck away the nutrients in our gut and can often cause a host of food allergies and nutrient deficiencies making it difficult to re-introduce healthy food back into your diet. This is why I personally find food allergy testing a waste of money— It’s not addressing why you have tons of food allergies in the first place. I personally tested “highly allergic” to 87 out of 97 foods on a food allergy test only to find out later parasites were the culprit behind why I couldn’t eat anything. I later found out I had Blastocystis Hominis- a microscopic parasite commonly found in many with Hashimotos Disease. (Many functional stool tests can catch this one, but will often miss others.) Due to the fact that 70-80% of your immune system resides in your digestive tract, they can also suppress your immune system and may be perpetuating elevated TPO antibodies!
Do I need to test for them?
I don’t recommend testing because testing is very inaccurate when it comes to parasites. This can happen because of their life cycle and because they like to hide underneath the sticky biofilm and mold in your digestive tract making them difficult to show up on a stool test. A fellow colleague of mine even put an actual worm inside her stool test and it came back negative. My rule of thumb when it comes to parasites is, “If you have a pulse, you have parasites.” For my practitioner code to order my recommended protocol, you can hop inside Hashimotos 101
How can I get rid of them?
The first step is to look at what we are eating. Parasites feed off of sugar and processed foods. Sushi and pork are also places where parasites are commonly found. Incorporating whole foods and low sugar fruits such as berries and apples can be a helpful foundation to have in place during a protocol to ensure optimal success.
While we do want to kill them off, we first want to prep the body to detox them by opening our drainage pathways. (liver, colon, lymphatic system, etc.) Skipping this step can result in more Herxheimer reactions (where you may experience more fatigue, brain fog, rashes, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety, and flu -like symptoms.)
Opening drainage and detox pathways ensures we are:
Having 1-3 bowel movements times per day
Our liver and kidneys are supported
Skin and lymphatic system is supported
Binding toxins
Using Cellcore Bioscience's Comprehensive Protocol is my recommended protocol to open your drainage pathways and kill them off—(Practitioner code available inside of Hashimotos 101). Opening these pathways first prepares the body for killing them off in Steps 2 + 3. I personally use this protocol and use it with my clients and course students because of their high quality carbon technology and fulvic acid products that go straight to your cells.
Another thing to note is that if you have mold toxicity or suspect you have had mold exposure, you also have parasites. Mold lives in parasites and they are also sponges for heavy metals (which is toxic for our thyroid and immune system).
3. Using other detoxification modalities in conjunction while opening drainage pathways and killing them off can also be an essential part of a parasite protocol:
Sweating in an infrared sauna (discount code RASSP10)
Castor oil Pack (use code Hashimotos10 for 10% off)
What has my experience been with this protocol?
I’ve personally been on every “gut healing protocol” out there with little to no relief in food sensitivities. Addressing parasites has been the only thing that has set the foundation for my gut to finally start to heal. My philosophy when it comes to gut health is “You can’t put a band-aid on a gaping wound.” You have to address what’s underneath the gut symptoms surfacing. I’m personally headed into Phase 3 of the protocol and have seen some pretty crazy things come out of my body that never showed up on a stool test! I must admit— it feels disgustingly satisfying to see them come out! A few of my clients have also been sharing with me the same shock, yet excitement seeing these critters come out of their bodies! During step 2, I did experience mood swings and fatigue while these little boogers were dying off. It’s not a fun process to detox, but it’s so worth it! Many of my rashes have gone away, I have a higher tolerance to a variety of foods (that I was previously reacting to), and I’ve seen a reduction in bloating.
While this protocol may be a helpful tool for you on your Hashimotos journey, it’s important to get support from a knowledgeable practitioner while navigating through it. Support and my practitioner code for this specific protocol is available inside of Hashimotos 101.
Sending love and healing your way!
Disclaimer: The information provided in is this post is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease and should not be a replacement for medical advice. Always consult your doctor before trying a new diet, lifestyle or supplement protocol.
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